Monday, January 25, 2010

All About Me!

This is my first post in my very own blog, which I'm excited about because I always read all sorts of blogs, now I have my own! So my name is Kamila and I'm currently a junior at Montclair State. I'm a Communications major with a concentration with public relations. I think the most interesting thing about me is that I was born in Poland. I really embrace the fact that I'm from a different country. I came to America when I was four years old. I lived in a town in NJ called Wallington. Ultimately, I ended up in Lincoln Park, NJ when I was in the fourth grade. Learning a new language when I was very young was pretty hard, but I excelled and am proud of myself for that. When I first entered college, I went to Richard Stockton College in Pomona, NJ. Seriously, middle of nowhere. I became a social work major for about two semesters. It was my passion because I love helping people, but then I realized that what I really wanted to do was work with the media. Shortly after, I switched my major to Comm. and I found to really love the major. I transferred to Montclair and moved back home. I am really liking Montclair so far, it is my second semester here. I feel that it's more challenging than Stockton, but I don't mind. I am hopefully going to find an internship for the summer of 2010. In the field of PR, I'm not 100 percent sure what I want to do yet. I know I would love to work with entertainment, music or movies mainly. I don't think I'm ready for the semester to start yet, but let the work and stress begin.


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