Tuesday, January 26, 2010

tweet tweet

I think it's incredible how much Twitter has blown up in this past year. I remember when some of my friends got Twitter and I was clueless as to what it was. I think the idea of Twitter isn't really that remarkable. I'm sure many of you guys from class have Twitters, but honestly, I don't really see a point in them. It's kind of like a whole site that is facebook statuses. I think it's great for the people that started Twitter because it's been such a huge success. Like it mentions in the article, celebrities having Twitters definitely made the website so popular. I'm not going to deny that I've checked some celebrity Twitters, but it's not something I would check everyday. I think everybody jumped on the bandwagon way too quickly and the numbers have flat lined. I believe slowly, but surely, the site will keep growing and getting more popular because it's becoming international. I don't really think I'll sign up for an account, but you never know, I could change my mind.

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