Wednesday, March 24, 2010


So I'm going to post two blogs in one today. First I'll start out by writing about opinion pieces then off to free write!
I like to read opinion pieces on news sites on the internet. I'm always curious to see what professionals have to say about the topic they're writing about. Once I read the article, I decide whether I agree or disagree with the writer. I like to see other peoples point of view on serious matters that I'm mostly interested it. I've never read any other type of opinion articles besides on Yahoo or Google.
FREE WRITE! So last week was spring break. Probably the worst spring break ever. It flooded like crazy around my town. My house wasn't affected, but everything around me was. When I was leaving work the day it started to flood, it took me over 2 hours to get home...I work 5 minutes away. It was frustrating. I couldn't really go anywhere but across town because of how bad the roads got. Then the weekend was amazing. The weather was gorgeous and I'm so ready for spring weather. I got free Rita's Ice on the first day of spring, so that was exciting. This week back from spring break is nuts. I have SO much to do. So much class, work, and then homework on top of that. I barely have time to relax, but I make the best of it. So that's whats going on in my life so far, see you soon!

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