Tuesday, March 9, 2010


When I heard about the whole ABC thing with Cablevision, I couldn't believe this whole fiasco was going on again. First, Food Network and HGTV, now ABC. I think that Cablevision will continue to program ABC because they do fear negative PR. When the other channels stopped begin programmed, it turned into a huge ordeal. There were commercials explaining why this was happening and how to help. Ultimately, the channels were put back on Cablevision. I think that the two companies will work towards an agreeable contract, without all the drama of taking the network off the air. Many customers were ready to ditch the cable service if the network was removed. I saw commercials for this. I believe it was an ABC sponsored commercial that said, remove ABC from the network, and lose my business...or something along those lines. I thought that was a really good plan that they came up with and it worked. The cable service would have been totally slammed for getting rid of ABC, so they made a good choice by programming the station while they settle their problems.
NOWWWW, about the group projects. I've got to admit, I'm still a little confused and intimidated by the project. I think the main reasoning was that we couldn't get a hold of our client because he was on vacation. Slowly and surely, I think everything will come together and start looking good for us. I hope to meet with our client soon and discuss strategies and objectives. I just did the overview for our brief and I think it came out good...hopefully. We'll just have to see.

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