Friday, May 7, 2010

Final Project

The final project is FINALLY over. We present today and I feel totally confident about it. I am so happy with all the work we've done and I hope Rick approves of everything we did. We worked hard and I'm excited to see our results. The balloon festival is in July and I will definitely be attending. I hope everything works out well and we have spread awareness of the organization. Though we worked days and nights on this project that seemed like it would never end, it was great experience for us and I'm glad the teacher assigned it. I would like to continue working with the NJSCPA to help them and I'm sure Rick would be more than happy to hear that!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Group work and PR Writing

My whole group has been working very hard to promote the NJSPCA tent at the Quick Chek Balloon Festival this year. I think we're doing a good job so far, we just need to get everything done asap. This group project is probably the most important one I've ever done because it's real hands on. I've never worked with a real organization and none of us have real experience in PR, but I think we're catching on. This project has taught me about deadlines and working together in a team. Racing to get all our materials in and approved has been a tough process. It has been very hard for us to meet and go over our work. We haven't even all met together because we are all so busy with different schedules. It's been tough, but we are working through it. I think we work well in a group, but it's hard to depend on people to finish the work, or even get back to you. We've only had a few problems with that. Ultimately, I think we're really getting a feel for what we need to do and we're doing a good job.
So far this class has taught me a lot. There are so many things I never knew about PR that I do now. The completion of this class will result in a finished portfolio for our group projects. This was definitely help in real life situations. This is something we did on our own that shows we have some kind of experience. I'm going to use the skills I have learned in this class and use them in my other classes until I graduate. This class has been a mix of so many different projects and tasks, but I believe they will all help me in the future whether it be in the rest of my years at college or at my internships, or future jobs.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


So I'm going to post two blogs in one today. First I'll start out by writing about opinion pieces then off to free write!
I like to read opinion pieces on news sites on the internet. I'm always curious to see what professionals have to say about the topic they're writing about. Once I read the article, I decide whether I agree or disagree with the writer. I like to see other peoples point of view on serious matters that I'm mostly interested it. I've never read any other type of opinion articles besides on Yahoo or Google.
FREE WRITE! So last week was spring break. Probably the worst spring break ever. It flooded like crazy around my town. My house wasn't affected, but everything around me was. When I was leaving work the day it started to flood, it took me over 2 hours to get home...I work 5 minutes away. It was frustrating. I couldn't really go anywhere but across town because of how bad the roads got. Then the weekend was amazing. The weather was gorgeous and I'm so ready for spring weather. I got free Rita's Ice on the first day of spring, so that was exciting. This week back from spring break is nuts. I have SO much to do. So much class, work, and then homework on top of that. I barely have time to relax, but I make the best of it. So that's whats going on in my life so far, see you soon!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


When I heard about the whole ABC thing with Cablevision, I couldn't believe this whole fiasco was going on again. First, Food Network and HGTV, now ABC. I think that Cablevision will continue to program ABC because they do fear negative PR. When the other channels stopped begin programmed, it turned into a huge ordeal. There were commercials explaining why this was happening and how to help. Ultimately, the channels were put back on Cablevision. I think that the two companies will work towards an agreeable contract, without all the drama of taking the network off the air. Many customers were ready to ditch the cable service if the network was removed. I saw commercials for this. I believe it was an ABC sponsored commercial that said, remove ABC from the network, and lose my business...or something along those lines. I thought that was a really good plan that they came up with and it worked. The cable service would have been totally slammed for getting rid of ABC, so they made a good choice by programming the station while they settle their problems.
NOWWWW, about the group projects. I've got to admit, I'm still a little confused and intimidated by the project. I think the main reasoning was that we couldn't get a hold of our client because he was on vacation. Slowly and surely, I think everything will come together and start looking good for us. I hope to meet with our client soon and discuss strategies and objectives. I just did the overview for our brief and I think it came out good...hopefully. We'll just have to see.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Well what scares me about working with the media? Honestly, a few things. They can ruin your career, or they can sky rocket it. It all depends on THEM. I have always wanted to work with the media though, so I'm totally up for the challenge. I believe you have to be very intelligent and aware of what's going on around you. Building relationships with the media is a key component of working with them. If you develop relationships, you will be confident and things will work in your favor. As I'm still learning about working with the media in my classes, it's definitely intimidating. I think as I keep learning and getting more experience, I will become more comfortable with it. Hopefully I will learn all the skills that makes me completely confident with working with the media. It is scary to think you could make one mistake and they can totally ruin your image. Although I am a bit nervous, I'm also curious and excited to start my career with the media.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


I've had a mini vacation from school and I've been relaxing, maybe a bit too much. Thursday and Friday were snow days and I didn't really do anything productive. I stayed at my boyfriend Sean's house with his sister. We were drinking beers and playing Junior Scategories and Clue. I've never played Clue before, I liked it. I didn't win though. I called out of work Thursday and I actually went on Friday. I closed that day. I didn't do anything on Friday night. It was pretty boring. Sooooo Saturday night my friends from South Jersey were supposed to come up so we could all go out, but they didn't end up coming for some silly reason. Me and some of my friends went to a bar called Thatchers in Pompton Lakes. BUT there was a line to get in, it was ridiculous. So we left there and went to Sunset bar and grill in Lincoln Park. There was some band playing and a bunch of old heads. It was a fundraiser. I got some beers and had some shots. All in all, it turned out to be a great night. I tried patron cafe for the first time and it was delicious. I came back home and played super monkey ball with friends. Then I work up 15 minutes before I had to be at work and surprisingly I was only a minute late. So now it's Sunday night and this day is dedicated to homework. I'm so ready for spring break!!! OH, and I just got Jimmy Fallon tickets. YES THE ROOTS. :D
no work tomorrow, just school. so much homework, guess i gotta go do it nowwww!

Monday, February 22, 2010

bad pitch blog

After looking through the bad pitch blog very thoroughly, I think it may be one I start to read all the time. I read many different types of blogs, and I did enjoy this one because it talks about pr so much. I am actually interested in a lot of the posts. I really enjoyed the post about NBCs terrible decision to boot Conan off the network. It goes into a lot of details about the story and how NBC didn't make the right choice. Also, it mentions that they didn't think about how WE would feel about getting rid of Conan. and i mad about that. Another post I liked was the one that went in depth about getting a job in PR and all the different challenges that comes with it. The blog explains so many different aspects of finding a good job and how to answer interview questions. This post was helpful to read because it really went through all the basics of getting that dream job you've always wanted. I also enjoyed the "You belong in PR if..." post and you don't belong in PR if... I enjoyed this blog and I definitely will visit the site again.