Sunday, February 28, 2010


I've had a mini vacation from school and I've been relaxing, maybe a bit too much. Thursday and Friday were snow days and I didn't really do anything productive. I stayed at my boyfriend Sean's house with his sister. We were drinking beers and playing Junior Scategories and Clue. I've never played Clue before, I liked it. I didn't win though. I called out of work Thursday and I actually went on Friday. I closed that day. I didn't do anything on Friday night. It was pretty boring. Sooooo Saturday night my friends from South Jersey were supposed to come up so we could all go out, but they didn't end up coming for some silly reason. Me and some of my friends went to a bar called Thatchers in Pompton Lakes. BUT there was a line to get in, it was ridiculous. So we left there and went to Sunset bar and grill in Lincoln Park. There was some band playing and a bunch of old heads. It was a fundraiser. I got some beers and had some shots. All in all, it turned out to be a great night. I tried patron cafe for the first time and it was delicious. I came back home and played super monkey ball with friends. Then I work up 15 minutes before I had to be at work and surprisingly I was only a minute late. So now it's Sunday night and this day is dedicated to homework. I'm so ready for spring break!!! OH, and I just got Jimmy Fallon tickets. YES THE ROOTS. :D
no work tomorrow, just school. so much homework, guess i gotta go do it nowwww!

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