Saturday, February 13, 2010

Recent Publicity Stunts

I can't remember too many publicity stunts that have happened lately, but I do remember three that stick out in my mind.
The first was the famous MTV stunt at the Movie Awards, I think? Well anyway, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. It was the moment when Sacha Baron Cohen, who as that point was Bruno, landed on Eminem in the crowd. Many people really believed this, but it soon came out that it was a stunt. Eminem looked really angry so he played the part well. I guess he wanted to seem like a badass or something by walking away after. It ended up working out for MTV because lots of people gave in to it. I thought it was pretty silly, but still funny. Bruno got his movie out and he people saw him differently cause he "messed" with Eminem.
The next stunt is the boy in the balloon. What could I say about this one. This family is crazy. It was believable at first. I thought it was ridiculous. Then the kid had to go and say "I did it for the show" It was great. I'm happy this family had to come out and say they were lying. I don't think they should have taken the stunt that far because the authorities were involved. I mean come on, they were already on wife swap. do you really need to be on TV again.. AND what kind of a name is falcon? The stunt was working for a bit, but went terribly wrong, and I'm glad it did.
The last stunt I can remember was one that is done by an Improv group. I think they have them all over in different cities. The one I remember was the group went to Grand Central Station and randomly broke out into synchronized dance. AND, i am such a sucker for synchronized dancing hahah. I absolutely loved this stunt and it definitely got the groups name out. The group is called Improv Everywhere if you guys wanna check it out. I want to participate in one of their "missions" as they call it.
Well, that's it for now! BYE!

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