Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kevin Smithhh

Oh, how I adore Kevin Smith and SOME of his movies. I couldn't believe this story when I read about it. I thought it was crazy that they actually told him he couldn't fly because he was over weight. I don't believe that Southwest really handled it well. It makes them look bad because he says that he's flown with them several times before this, and there was never a problem. So why the sudden problem now? Southwest says that the passenger has to fit safely and comfortably in a seat. So why did they tell Smith to get off the plane? Who knows.. He swears he fits fine and he could get the armrests down. I don't think he'd lie about something like this. First off, I don't think he should've been kicked off at all because there are plenty people bigger than him that travel on Southwest, I'm sure. In another article I read, it said Southwest had given Smith a $100 voucher and an apology. Kevin Smith made it into a war through twitter. About 200 updates made about the whole ordeal. This is where he went too far. I mean, okay okay you got kicked off a plane, but do you need to make 200 updates about it? Southwest used their own blog and twitter to retaliate and explain exactly why they did what they did. So that was a smart move on their part. So overall, I think this story is getting blown out of proportion and could have been settled without this crazy public relations war.

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