Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Publicity Stunts

The Taco Bell stunt was truly a good April Fools joke. They got so much media coverage and half a million dollar revenue increase. They sure do have a sense of humor, but not everyone liked the idea. I think it's an ingenious idea and it really worked in favor for their company. The ProShade stunt was an interesting idea to say the least. ProShade, knowing that their offer would never be accepted, tried anyway. The news would spread and soon enough everyone would know their company name. Next is the GoldenPalace. I actually recall hearing some news about a grilled cheese with the Virgin Mary on it. I had no clue an online casino had bought it. It worked for them because they got a lot of media coverage. This is strange news, but that's exactly what attracts people to it. The Burger King stunt was another April Fools joke. This one wasn't as clever as Taco Bells and I don't think it's a good stunt, but it worked for them because people actually believed the ad. The SonicYoga stunt is interesting because it could have went terribly wrong. They did what they needed to do and somehow got away with it. Since they made the one video, four more have come after so it definitely worked for them. DC Comics was just a clever way to get comic book readers to go out and buy the death of superman because they knew that would sell millions. Of course, they couldn't kill off Superman so they had a Return of superman. I'm not too sure this stunt intrigues me. Maui beverages, giving themselves a more laid back and chill persona was a good way to go. The Meow Mix was a clever idea, but I don't think it's too interesting. was a good stunt, but it I think it failed because they didn't go through with what they said they would do. had a great idea because people love free gas, food, and music. It worked well enough to happen again in LA. Snapple's stunt was just an epic fail. They could've had something great there, but should've though of the consequences. JMP creations was a good idea at first and I'm sure the audience loved it because they thought that was supposed to happen, but it failed miserably. Vodafone was just a terrible idea to begin with. The company was obviously going to get in trouble. Sure it got the name out there, but they had to pay a hefty fine. I think the Sony idea could've been pretty cool, but graffiti is illegal so it didn't really work. It's true that Oprah got most of the publicity for Pontiac. I didn't even know that it was their stunt, i thought Oprah was just crazy and liked to give things away.
So overall, there are plenty of publicity stunts that works and some that go terribly wrong.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the Taco Bell stunt too. I am a fan of humor, and that combined with great food is quite the combination. I have to say that Burger King's attempt at a joke was no where near that of Taco Bell's. Infact, it was kind of stupid- a left handed burger? But I guess that's the point and it did get attention. So perhaps no marketing campagin that creates revenue is stupid after all.
